By now, everyone knows that lockdowns are precautionary measures in response to threats. Lockdown procedures vary by state and school district.
There are different types of lockdowns:
Lockdown drills: The most common method of practicing preparedness in the event of an intruder in the school or criminal activity in the surrounding community.
Modified lockdown: This happens when there is no immediate danger to students and staff inside the school, prompted by a potentially dangerous situation in the community near a school. During a modified lockdown classes generally continue as normal but students and staff stay inside the building.
Full Lockdown: A full lockdown occurs when there is an immediate threat to the safety of students and staff. During a full lockdown everyone in the school must stay in secure locations, remaining silent with all doors locked, lights off, and blackout shades dropped to cover classroom windows. All students should remain together and not move around the room, keeping out of sight. No one should ever respond to anyone at the door until the "all clear" is announced.
We strongly recommend that every school have a lockdown procedure in place and practice those steps regularly. It is critical to contact local law enforcement, emergency management agencies, and fire/rescue departments for assistance in developing a comprehensive crisis preparedness program.